I’ve always stuck mainly with Briansclub and bingo.hi until they took bingo… really I liked both for their drastic degrees of difference in both cost quality etc. Briansclub I usually find higher quality but much higher cost and even then there’s some risk in if it gives you something that comes back checked as valid when it was a dud from the word go. Bingo i enjoyed because there was such a huge base of selections and at a wide range of prices. The cards that would drop to the lowest prices were my shit because I had certain bins, criteria ect that I would use to filter out what I learned over time to be junk and I’d end up buying 20 to 30 cards all at 27 cents a piece or some shit, sure have a quarter of them be duds but was always pleasantly surprised at how good I got at getting 15 or so valid cards for the cost of barely above a quarter. Since they’ve took bingo, it SUCKS. i don’t know any other places with a large base like that for super cheap prices in the mix that isn’t a scam or rip off. If anyone knows anything comparable that you’ve tried or know of somebody who has that hasn’t fell victim to scam, please let a girl know! Id really really appreciate you 🤘🏻🫶🏼