View Full Version : So You Wanna Card huh ?

05-21-2018, 03:46 AM
whats good

So to all the new mofuckas who have never carded a day in they're life
or think this shit is some type of hee hee haw haw fantasy that'll never happen....STOP right there

The main part of this shit, like all things in life...is having faith...I've been carding for a while now...and one of the main things ive seen is that a lot of so called carders lose faith in theyre own craft...
one bad decline and its..."oh I'm giving this shit up"...if that's your mindset...then you are NOT meant to do this shit...this is not some get rich overnight scheme....go watch the scene from Focus where Will Smith is showing her the inner operations....you think shit got like that overnight?

How many bad days do you think him and his dad went through to build the multimillion dollar operation they have now....this shit DOES take hard work, it takes perserverance and learning...and it takes a TEAM....if you wanna pay a bill here or there, order a nice gift from BestBuy every once in a bue moon...then that's okay do ya thing....but if you TRULY want to make some real money...YOU CAN NOT CARD ALONE(at least not for long).....the key to this craft is blending in, and teamwork...and what better way to blend in than being in a crowd ?

this is my way of reaching out...to anybody whos serious about this, and wants to learn the RIGHT way,and be a part of something that's bigger than themselves.....lets have a cryptocoffee and talk about the future ...I'm a fountain of knowledge...and with the right group of individuals...the sky is the limit

The World Is Ours

05-23-2018, 10:24 AM
I'm interested. New to forum but i have a little experience with cashing out cards and paypals

05-23-2018, 07:02 PM
inspiring paragraph haha thanks for this OP, im new here