08-28-2017, 11:33 PM
Hello This message is exclusively for those who own shop , forum , website , blogs or service providers
In a very short time this forum has gained popularity for itself and making name for itself in dark market and improving as big name in carding industry that's why we decided to accept banners and other kind of advertisements
we have good daily visits in our forum
daily 15 thousands page-views and 7 thousands unique visits which is highly appreciable for any carding forum
For a start our price will be less compared to other forums and we provide best service to our clients
Price for banners
Size = 9000x240
1st position $400 per month
2nd position $350 per month
third position $300 per month
Other position for $250 per month
Size = 900x120
any available position for $200 per month
size = 720x90
any available position for $120
size = 468x60
any available position for $60
Sticky topics + Verified vendor
$1500 for lifetime fees
$800 for 1 year
$400 for 6 months
$200 for3 months
Force user to read your topic is special thing which we explain in our chat in jabber
this cost you $500 per month
In a very short time this forum has gained popularity for itself and making name for itself in dark market and improving as big name in carding industry that's why we decided to accept banners and other kind of advertisements
we have good daily visits in our forum
daily 15 thousands page-views and 7 thousands unique visits which is highly appreciable for any carding forum
For a start our price will be less compared to other forums and we provide best service to our clients
Price for banners
Size = 9000x240
1st position $400 per month
2nd position $350 per month
third position $300 per month
Other position for $250 per month
Size = 900x120
any available position for $200 per month
size = 720x90
any available position for $120
size = 468x60
any available position for $60
Sticky topics + Verified vendor
$1500 for lifetime fees
$800 for 1 year
$400 for 6 months
$200 for3 months
Force user to read your topic is special thing which we explain in our chat in jabber
this cost you $500 per month