View Full Version : New carder side hustler how do u do ?

02-12-2023, 10:19 PM
Been jumping from forums to forums trying to build business relationships with ppl especially noobs tryin make it.

I am working on a burner phone to be able to use the telegram platform and the all popular ICQ.Its been a rough start but happy to say at least i have the software and hardware to get goin attempted my first online carding and failed its a learning curve id really like to do amazon.ca if someone can link me to a good tutorial or would be so nice to helping me achieve this.

If you're from Canada send me a pm we can add each other and help each other succeed. I believe in honor among thieves so if that's you're belief don't be shy.

i have been absent from computers since the early 2000's wtf happen to icq lol since when do we need a cell number to register i joined irc in a old channel i am still in the database in the mobman days.

netbus,subseven were trojans back the...